Overseas Competition|Shanghai International Makers Competition Expands to Northern Europe with Visit to Danish Technological Institute

On September 13th, 2023, theShanghai International Makers Competition made its second stop at the renowned Danish Technological Institute (DTI) in a bid to foster global innovation and collaboration. Zhao Ran,ambassador and judge of the overseas competition, engaged in a cordial and productive meeting with Mr. Juan Farré, CEO of DTI, and his team.
During the meeting, Zhao Ran introduced the Competition, the charm of Shanghai city and the innovative spirit of Chinese Makers. Mr. Juan Farré appreciated this very much. He said: In the words of our founder, Danish Technological Institute’s mission is to “place ourselves where we suspect the Institute’s help will be necessary,” i.e., where society and companies need us to be. As the words on the website: We would make available our knowledge, network and laboratories which create industry-ready specific solutions that correspond to the needs of individual companies and the market.

Juan Farré and the team opened their biomass laboratory to demonstrate cutting-edge technologies for wastewater treatment. It was noted that DTI has many years of experience in assisting technology providers in developing, documenting and upgrading appropriate wastewater treatment technologies. For example, the team tested a large number of biodegradable flocculants for activated sludge separation, in order to replace polyacrylamides (microplastics), which are used in large quantities today.

Danish Technological Institute is a leading research and technology Institute. Currently it employs 1,050 specialists and helps in excess of 10,500 customers a year – representing 68 different countries. Organizational it has been divided into 5 divisions (Food & Production, Materials, Environmental Technology, Energy & Climate, Building & Construction).
2023 Shanghai Makers✦
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